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Grieg ~ Eight Lyric Pieces ~ Op. 12 [전곡]

by 사마르칸트 2014. 8. 14.


Grieg (1843-1907) wrote, for solo piano, 66 short pieces which he called 'Lyriske stykker' or "Lyric Pieces".


 These pieces were published under different Opus numbers making up Ten Voulmes, each of 6 to 8 pieces, between 1867 and 1901.


Presented here is the first volume, Opus 12, as performed by Nicholas Roth from his complete cycle of all 10 volumes of Lyric Pieces.


The titles of the pieces are:

No. 1 - Arietta
No. 2 - Vals (Waltz)
No. 3 - Vektersang (Watchman's song)
No. 4 - Alfedans (Elves' dance)
No. 5 - Folkevise (Folk Dance/Popular melody)
No. 6 - Norsk (Norwegian melody)
No. 7 - Albumblad (Album Leaf)
No. 8 - Fedrelandssang (National song)

